How to Add a Twitter Feed to Sidebar.php


    • 1
      Open a Web browser and go to the Twitter profile widget creator page (see Resources).
    • 2
      Type your Twitter username into the text box. Click the "Finish & Grab Code" button at the bottom of the page. Twitter creates the script you need to include on your Web page. Copy this from the text area.
    • 3
      Open the "Sidebar.php" file. Insert your cursor at the location where you want to include the Twitter feed and paste the code there.
    • 4
      Customize the code in the widget to fit your website's appearance. For example, change the "width" and "height" properties to fit the sidebar's parameters. Change "rpp" to the number of tweets you want to show in the feed. Change the "background" and "color" hexadecimal color properties to fit your color scheme. Change the "scrollbar" property to "true" to show a scrollbar in your feed.
    • 5
      Save the "Sidebar.php" file and upload it to your Web server. All of your Web pages that include this file now show your Twitter feed.

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:: Get this widget ! ::


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